Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Unreal Engine 4
Kickstarter option

The Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Unreal Engine 4 project creator, Chris Sewell, is looking for feedback from the RtCW Community in respects to setting up a kickstarter page in order to raise the funds needed to take his excellent Unreal Engine 4 project to the next level.
Here's what Chris had to say:
All of the projects I create are released to the public to enjoy free of charge, these projects can be made so much better with the options to contract other developers to provide other features in area's that I'm not specialised in e.g. AI or VFX.
My goals are always to create great projects for people that provide entertainment, nostalgia and of course some kick ass experiences. Any donations to help fund the current Return to Castle Wolfenstein Unreal Engine 4 project are welcome and go a long way to helping myself get better assets and implement more features into the project.
If you'd be interested in supporting the kickstarter idea for the Return to Castle Wolfenstein Unreal 4 Project then please contact Chris and let him know. If he gets enough positive feedback from the community he'll set up the new kickstarter page.
Recent Project Screenshots:

Send Chris your feedback HERE
Source - Youtube - Chris Sewell
