Friday 07. 01. 2011 - 08:31 Uhr - PB Services Easy Start (GUI)

StoerFaktoR released a GUI version of his punkbuster services start / stop tool

You can get it here

Newsposter: schnoog
zuletzt geändert am 19.01.2011 - 06:36 Uhr
Userinfo: schnoog Comments (9)(9) Send to a friend Print optimized version 19397 mal gelesen

Friday 07. 01. 2011 - 08:25 Uhr - Tutorial section

Maybe you noticed, maybe not:

We just started a tutorial section, where you can find information around ET, mapping, scripting, server administration and so on.

Feel free to register and post your tutorials ;)

If you miss a section, write me a message then I`ll implement it.

Newsposter: schnoog Userinfo: schnoog Comments (2)(2) Send to a friend Print optimized version 19208 mal gelesen

Friday 07. 01. 2011 - 07:11 Uhr - ET Campaign pk3 file checker (Beta 1)

Do you know such events:
You built a campaign, installed it on your server and all seems to be fine.
After less or more time, the server switches to stopwatch mode and the map is repeated again and again.

In the most cases, this is caused by a simple missmatch:

Not all map-pk3 files needed to run the campaign are located in the servers etmain folder.

The old fashion way:
Extract your campaign - pk3, go through the extracted campaign-file and check for every map if the corresponding map-pk3 is allready in the etmain folder.

Now I coded a little bash script, which will helps linux server admins to check those cases.

You`re a server admin? You know such trouble?
Why not give this (bloody) script a change?

Get the script here

Newsposter: schnoog Userinfo: schnoog Comments (0)(0) Send to a friend Print optimized version 18774 mal gelesen