Thursday 06. 01. 2011 - 13:00 Uhr - ET getstatus exploit fix (V0.2)

The guys from released
an exploit fix for ET 2.60B LINUX servers to avoid the abuse of the getstatus request.
(The abuse causes massiv lags through DOS getstatus requests)
The fix limits the server to answer only once per IP every 4 seconds (maybe results in not working serverbrowsers used on homepages aso, when more than 1 visitor is refreshing the site at same time)

Get the fix here

Source: SplashDamage

Newsposter: schnoog Userinfo: schnoog Comments (2)(2) Send to a friend Print optimized version 27538 mal gelesen

Wednesday 05. 01. 2011 - 07:49 Uhr - Server rules verification

StoerFaktoR created a little addon, which forces players to accept the serverrules before playing on a server.

If you wanna try it, load it here

Newsposter: schnoog Userinfo: schnoog Comments (0)(0) Send to a friend Print optimized version 19894 mal gelesen

Monday 03. 01. 2011 - 06:42 Uhr - Bye bye Wolfmap

The show is now really over. Wolfmap closed down, a godfather of ET sites have gone.

Thanks to the admin team for all the great years!

I`ve actually received the news-history from Wolfmap.
After a little coding work, I present you the Wolfmap news archive, with fixed download-links.

Newsposter: schnoog
zuletzt geändert am 27.01.2011 - 20:12 Uhr
Userinfo: schnoog Comments (4)(4) Send to a friend Print optimized version 20466 mal gelesen