Saturday 15. 01. 2011 - 12:19 Uhr - Tutotial: ET getstatus exploit

Our tutorial section contains a new content which explain the getstatus exploit
which currently attacks masses of server.

You`re a server admin?
Even if you didn`t noticed those attackes, it`s possible that also you`re standing in the line of fire!

Ok, you not noticed the attacks, so why the hell you should do something against them?
It`s easy to answer this:
The exploited server sends datapackages out to spoofed IP adresses.
A serveradmin reported a 200MBit/s upstream (in sum) to a high count of random IP adresses, some of the admins behind the IP adresses sent abuse mails to his hoster.
The hoster pulled out the cable, the server went offline.
But even if your server sends out only 2MBit/s, it`s simply wasted traffic.

To find out more about the exploit, the problems solution, read here

Newsposter: schnoog
zuletzt geändert am 15.01.2011 - 12:21 Uhr
Userinfo: schnoog Comments (0)(0) Send to a friend Print optimized version 13039 mal gelesen

tuesday 11. 01. 2011 - 22:08 Uhr - ET ;Map: Eden Fight -Update-

Kic released his objective map Eden Fight:

Story: Destroy bamboo and gain acces to enemy jungle house, Destroy this jungle house before resembles now a butchery .

Map files included!

Kic found a few bugs. (Missing textures for 2 models and some space between bamboo - player can go near house but cant destroy bamboo)
Those are now corrected
Test or download the map here

Kic found a few bugs. (Missing textures for 2 models and some space between bamboo - player can go near house but cant destroy bamboo)
Those are now corrected

Test or download the map here


Newsposter: schnoog
zuletzt geändert am 19.01.2011 - 06:37 Uhr
Userinfo: schnoog Comments (0)(0) Send to a friend Print optimized version 12335 mal gelesen

Monday 10. 01. 2011 - 13:24 Uhr - Downtime this morning

You may noticed: was down this morning for about 3 hours.
This was a result of a hardware-problem, crashing the apache config and a few other things.
All data was restored, all should work again.

Sorry for this.


Newsposter: schnoog Userinfo: schnoog Comments (2)(2) Send to a friend Print optimized version 11678 mal gelesen