Hi guys,
I see that there is some confusion on what map is what version of teutoburg forest. This appears since by accident the beta 1 version was released, which however was just a testmap. No one is to blame for this and I could have named the new release (just teutoburg_forest) final. I didn't do this since I was/am not sure if there has to be another version that fixes some glitches.
Long story short, i do not want to talk anyone in anything but some of the admins here might want to consider joining thewolfteam (TWT), so that you up to date with upcoming new maps and mods. Note that TWT is not a clan, there are no obligations coming with it, no tag to wear, no duties, nothing. Just that you keep it confidential what you see and can test. Then you know which maps are coming when and you can make suggestions and test new maps in confidentiality.
The only purpose of TWT is to keep ET alive, so wolffiles and TWT have quite some things in common.
last changed by Teuthis am 08.02.2016 - 21:20:17