help to newby

03.06.2013 - 18:52:39

this is Enrico from Italy, i installed again , after many years , 1 of my favourite game ever, RTCW, after i beat the single player i want to play Multi and i downloaded the modificayted rtcwMP.exe to have the server list and mod working, but sometimes i have the imrpession that no humans are playing on servers, so now i want to try ET..i playied a bit the time was released , but i need help on wich files i must download to play properly on Windows 7 64 bit..i downloaded the filefrom here named WolfET 2.60b.custom zip,i ask what files, or mod i need to download now for play in multy?
Hope someone can help me, sry for my bad english.
best regards


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04.06.2013 - 08:06:51

Hi Indio,
Enemy Territory is a pure multiplayer tactic shooter.
You can download this version from Harlekin.
This will install all needed files for playing Enemy Territory.
If you have installed Enemy Territory then run the game as administrator.
I think the rest u know from RTcW. :)


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04.06.2013 - 16:06:58

thanks for answer me, well i have downloaded and installed the version form here..the version with PB files and etkey...i lunched the game (that i played manyy years ago), but something strange is happened...trying connetting to a game, many fules downloaded and after this, the UI changed...something with Q and assassin....what was this? btw i joined some games , but i rember this game in a different way..seems to much fast now...and i can't understand if i was playing with hmans or bot (like in RTCW)...strange.

P.s. Therer is a way (like in RTCW single player) to play at 1680 x 1050? luckly the game scales to full window..but a native would be better for a LCD

last changed by indio68 am 04.06.2013 - 16:08:44


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04.06.2013 - 18:14:04

Maybe you connect on a NoQuarter Mod ? :)

and if you want to change your resolution:

create a textfile in your etmain folder and rename it to autoexec.cfg.
In this file you have to type these lines:

set r_mode -1 // disables the standard resolutions
set r_customwidth 1680
set r_customheight 1050
set r_fullscreen 1

Then start your game open the console with "^" (left key of 1)
press one time ENTER or Backspace
and type exec autoexec then ENTER

and your custom resolution will work :)

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