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Wolfmap R.I.P.
Real Hiperons Home
Happy New Year
Meister Gandalf:
24.3.2024| 20:06
Last news was a map in January 2022, and now there's some advertising for FA...
1.11.2023| 20:20
hi there want to ask now if you can update my map Toxic Fabric V2 FINALE to splatterladder? or is it still down, thank you boys/girls see you on my next release have fun,
and yes i really enjoy to make this map from start layout caulk to finish textures/models it took me without to lie 3 weeks +-, got question is it allowed can i add a review of my map here, when no please delete the link
http s://lvlworld.com/rev iew/id:2509
http s://forums.splashdam age.com/t/map-toxic- fabric-v2-finale/234 821
23.10.2023| 10:03
aber sowas von down.
ich glaub den server hats verrissen
Meister Gandalf:
15.7.2023| 22:37
sorry splatterladder is down: i contacted Schnoog
15.7.2023| 07:41
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