Thursday 16. 02. 2012 - 06:36 Uhr - 10 Maps NQ Xps 10 Maps

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NoQuarter 1.2.9


Additional Voting Features:

BotCount ( 4 Bots , 6 Bots ,12 Bots , Kickall Bots )

max 3 Uservotes per map

Supplydepot2 (ext. Mapscript)
Oasis (ext. Mapscript)
Bremen_b3 (ext. Mapscript)
Braundorf_b4 (ext. Mapscript)


Can be read on the server

Disabled Weapons & Features:
Doublejump (You can vote for it)


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Newsposter: StoerFaktoR
zuletzt geändert am 16.02.2012 - 10:13 Uhr
Userinfo: StoerFaktoR Comments (7)(7) Send to a friend Print optimized version 18136 mal gelesen

Sunday 12. 02. 2012 - 15:04 Uhr - SP-Mod Additional Weapons (4)

ImageImageRtCW SP Additional Weapons (4) by Alexandre - This mod adds 3 weapons to RtCW (single player only):
- K43 (bank 4, 7.92mm) : German semi-auto rifle, as powerful and accurate as the Mauser.
- PPSh (bank 5, .45cal) : Russian submachinegun, with a large magazine and high rate of fire.
- MP44 (bank 5, 9mm) : German assault rifle.

This version has two major improvements:
- Carbine is replaced with K43 semi-auto rifle, with the same power and accuracy as the Mauser (scope off).
- MP44 and PPSh have better models, skins and animations.
- DLLs have been modified since the last release.


Download here

Sources: Splatterladder | rtcw4ever | RTCWFiles

Newsposter: StoerFaktoR Userinfo: StoerFaktoR Comments (0)(0) Send to a friend Print optimized version 4698 mal gelesen

Saturday 11. 02. 2012 - 07:56 Uhr - TZAC 2012


07.02 and 09.02. Tomislav Zubcic - Anti Cheat (TZAC) proved what it is worth.
We knew previously that TZAC doesn't ban cheaters instantly, instead it
uses silent detection which means everyone can use whatever cheat they
want, but sooner or later chaplja will apply a ban. Most of you might
not see if as the perfect solution but remember TZAC is meant to be used
at competition. Thats a good solution to slow cheat coders work,
because they have no idea if it is really working 100%, they need to
wait till the next ban list is released.

Quote (chaplja )
The following bans have been removed. Multiple violations have been raised, but after the review, it appears to be caused by broken hardware:


Apologies to those falsely banned. 90% of last night's bans do not need a review and of the other 10% only a few may have been caused by broken hardware which will be checked again.

Note: If you believe you've been false banned, please follow the following instructions.

Bans Stats for Enemy Territory
Quote (chaplja)
It appears that a lot of cheaters believed a certain cheat is undetected as nobody was being banned. However, that was due to me being inactive and now I can happily say that nearly 150 cheating accounts in ET have been banned.

As for cases where an account was used by multiple persons and the original owner got 'falsely' accused for cheating, I can say that everyone has to take care of their account. If they are borrowing it to a friend, a brother, to anyone basically, it is their own choice and they're doing it knowing - but ignoring - the risk. I've got to say it is very unlikely these accounts will be unbanned. What can happen is that certain matches don't get forfeited if league admins believe it is the right decision if the original account owner did not cheat during a match and it's clear someone else was using the account when the cheat was caught, but it is entirely up to them.

The goal now is to finish TZAC 2.0 as soon as possible because it is going to fix some flaws in the anticheat design which are a bottleneck ever since TZAC got more popular - silent detections. The new version will automatically put most cheaters on the ban list and only certain (e.g. new) detections will stay in the silent detection model. More information on this and the future of TZAC will be posted later on the official website.
Source: |

Newsposter: StoerFaktoR Userinfo: StoerFaktoR Comments (0)(0) Send to a friend Print optimized version 5079 mal gelesen