ETBlight 1.0 released

ETBlight 1.0


0.9 -> 1.0 Highlights:



  • Better Omnibot support.

    Omnibots now have fun with ETBlight weapons.

  • Individual headshot damage.
    So far, only the most vicious high-rate-of-fire weapons were included.


    If value is lower than 2 x g_dmgQ3X1, headshots will do 2 x g_dmgQ3X1 damage.

    If value is lower than 2 x g_dmgMP34, headshots will do 2 x g_dmgMP34 damage.

    If value is lower than 2 x g_dmgMadsen, headshots will do 2 x g_dmgMadsen damage.


  • The Scientist

    Added missing centerprint hints & progress-bar for Scientists when disarming tripmines & landmines.
    "Scientists cannot use Dynamite" centerprint when scientists try to arm/disarm dynamite.
    Added "Invulnerability for 3 seconds" centerprint when using Scientist Juice.
    Added "muzzle flash" sound when using Scientist Juice ("Back off, man...I'm a Scientist").
    Optionally let Scientists disarm Landmines & Tripmines twice as fast (including level 3 bonus) with g_scientists.
    Optionally let the Scientist-only weapon Q3X1 do double damage against coverts in disguise with g_blight 2.
    Optionally let level 4 "Nerd Rage" Scientists do 3 x g_dmgKnife with g_blight 8.


  • g_weaponPickups

    This alternative to g_mode 8 let you control which classes can pick up any weapon they find.

    Mine is currently set to 3 - Scientists & Coverts.

  • g_regenerateHealth

    Control which classes regenerate health.

    Mine is currently set to 3 - Soldiers & Medics.


  • g_spreePowerups

    This wacky cvar let you administer +15 Health and/or Adrenaline rewards for killingsprees, multikills and/or revivesprees.

    A pop-up notice will display for the client when a spree was reached and a powerup was rewarded.

There's a detailed change-log in this thread.


ETBlight need special Omnibots due to the extra player class.

Download Omnibot ETBlight 1.0 Linux here

Download Omnibot ETBlight 1.0 Windows here


Download ETBlight 1.0 Win Server Setup here

Download ETBlight Linux Server Setup here


Source: Splashdamage | ETBlight

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