ESL Wire Anti-Cheat

Information about ESL Wire Anti-Cheat

Fair environment for competitions
Successor of Aequitas
Detects ring0 & ring3 cheats
Detects yet unknown cheats
Prevents Fakers and Ringers
Multi-Game Support

Download ESL Wire with Anticheat (32bit/64bit)

Testing ESL Wire Anti-Cheat
If you want to test ESL Wire Anti-Cheat before you try it in a real match, you can join a testing team and test one of these games:

Just join the team and you will have an open match in Wire to test the tool.

If you want to test in a different game, just let us know and we will try to set up a Test Ladder.
More details about ESL Wire Anti-Cheat

ESL Wire Anti-Cheat is spying on my computer!
It is correct that Wire Anti-Cheat collects and saves information. What information is collected is listed in the Licence Agreement. The collecting of data is exclusively used to find Cheaters and their possible Fake Accounts. No data or information about your pattern of use is accessible to a third party.

What information is saved and who has access to it?
What Information is saved, is listed in the ESL Wire Licence Agreement. All collected data is sent encrypted and as Hash-value. Only a few authorized people have access to this information, primarily Turtle Entertainment GmbH staff.

Can ESL Wire Anti-Cheat be used in Gathers?
Yes, Gather got a full ESL Wire Anti-Cheat Support.

How do Cheaters get caught?
ESL Wire Anti-Cheat can detect current cheats and modifications on the player's system and inform us in different ways. First we collect the data, compare it and then ban some time after the match took place. That means you will NEVER know for sure if your hack is Wire Anti-Cheat proofed or not. Even if it is not recognized at the moment, it may be recognized in the near future.

Can I test if ESL Wire Anti-Cheat detects a hack?
You should never test cheats with ESL Wire Anti-Cheat. Anyone that starts ESL Wire Anti-Cheat and has cheats or hacks running should expect to be caught. We do not differentiate between a test or a match. Whoever uses hacks while running ESL Wire Anti-Cheat and will be punished according to the rules with 12 Penalty points and a 2 year barrage.

FAQ / Forum
Recommended specifications
CPU: SingleCore: 3 GHz | MultiCore: 2,5 GHz
RAM: 2048 MB
OS: Windows XP SP3 32bit
Windows Vista SP2
Windows 7 SP1

These specifications are recommended, but that doesn't mean that the program cannot run on PC with lower specifications. The main influence has the game, so you should always check the system requirements for the game you want to play.

Game Freeze
If your game is freezing, then you should disable the overlay in Wire, then it will not freeze anymore.

Can ESL Wire Anti-Cheat make screenshots and check configs?

ESL Wire Anti-Cheat is just for detecting cheats, for the whole config / screenshot stuff, we have Linesman.

Other problems or bugs?
If you have any other problems with ESL Wire Anti-Cheat, please check the FAQ or the Support Forum and if you do not find any solution, then please contact the support.

Explanation of the Match / Gather Logs
This icon will only be shown in the ESL Wire Anti-Cheat Logfiles of a Match or Gather, if the connection of the Anti-Cheat session to the servers was disconnected or if the client is not responding anymore. We will mark those sessions as aborted, even if it's not the fault of the user.
The logout date will show you, when the session was aborted, so you can see how long a user played with Wire Anti-Cheat. If your opponent does have that icon, then open a Protest and tell the admins about it.

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