On own behalf - Splatterladder
Hi folks,
some of you may noticed the news from concerning the transfer of SL to my hands.
I feel free to describe what`s going on:
Proddi, the current tech-admin of SL is very busy, so we were not able to transfer the data yet. The "new" server is ready to takeover the workload.

To keep you all informed about the current state (not only the transfer have to be done ,also some fixed and configs needs to be adjusted) , I`ll write each new information I receive in the dedicated forum-thread


Comments for On own behalf - Splatterladder
write a comment Comments from guests needs to be released from an admin

# 2 von Sebbel
Danke, dass Du dir auch hier die Mühe machst, ET-related "stuff" am Leben zu halten !
Warum gehst nicht eine Zusammenarbeit mit Trackbase an? Wäre eine Möglichkeit, Know-How zu bündeln!

# 1 von macbeth
thanks you for the update :d

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