Time for another change - Wolffiles will switch to archive mode
14 years ago

After receiving the shocking news that will close its' door, I decided to
ask for a copy of their filebase to keep it online for all the Wolfenstein fans out there.
I registered the domain, created a file database, developed the map test server script and finally
on December 11th 2010 has gone life.

During this time the filebase has grown to a 169GB.
2698 ET Maps
587 RtCW Maps
100s of mods, skins and scripts

While the filebase wasn't anything remarkable new, the test server were new, and to my knowledge still are a unique feature.

They were started more than 21500 times, 2315 different maps have been tested. That means 85% of all ET maps hosted on Wolffiles were at least started once on one of the test servers.

14 Years. That's quite a lot of time....

But as the time goes by things change.
While I was very active in the beginning later on other people started to take care about Wolffiles, collect news, upload maps, clean up forum spam and so on.
Therefore special thanks to Stoeri, Motorhead, macbeth (which passed by much too early. Rest in peace my dear) and all the others participating and creating a small but special community

Status quo
Seeing that the last news was written in October 2023 I think it shouldn't be a surprise that something will at some point change.
While in the beginning visitor numbers were impressive, over the years that number came massively down (even while there were news on a more or less regular base).
The costs for the server however didn't. During all the years 5000 were billed for the hardware running Wolffiles. That's mainly due to the problem that for
the test servers virtualization is only possible with additional IP addresses and additionally that the filebase requires more than only a few GB of disk space.

And now?
I'll switch Wolffiles into archive mode, which means that
-the forum will become read-only
-the test server feature will be deactivated
-user upload, comments, ET campaign creator and shoutbox will also become inactive
I have not planned further changes at yet.

I wish you a great time

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