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Paris Bastille (Beta 3)

Paris Bastille (Beta 3)

Paris Bastille (Beta 3)


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paris_bastille_b3.zip7.7 MBFile content


wm_mapdescription allied "Defend at all costs!" wm_mapdescription axis "First, capture the flag and destroy the wall. Then destroy the two pillars underground" wm_mapdescription neutral "Axis want to destroy the Red and the Yellow Pillar which are undeground. They have to capture the flag first."


Allied objectives

1 "Secondary Objective:
Don't let Axis construct the Footbridge"
2 "Primary Objective:
Protect the Old City Wall"
3 "Secondary Objective:
Don't let Axis capture the Old City Flag"
4 "Secondary Objective:
Construct the command post and don't let Axis set up the command post"
5 "Primary Objective:
Don't let Axis destroy the Yellow Pillar"
6 "Primary Objective:
Don't let Axis destroy the Red Pillar"

Axis objectives

1 "Secondary Objective:
Construct the Footbridge"
2 "Primary Objective:
Destroy the Old City Wall"
3 "Secondary Objective:
Capture the Old City Flag"
4 "Secondary Objective:
Construct the command post and don't let Allies set up the command post"
5 "Primary Objective:
Destroy the Yellow Pillar"
6 "Primary Objective:
Destroy the Red Pillar"
