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QW-Mod: ETQWpro v0.4
13.03.2008 : 13:03The biggest ETQWPRO update to date has just been released featuring gameplay improvements, game fixes and some additions. The focus of fourth public release is to polish old features, work against full holds on certain maps and make the community rule set as automatic as possible, making it easier to follow. A lot of the features in the update were used in the CDC4 build of ETQWPro and at the people at the LAN seemed very happy with them.
And with this major update we hope that people that have quit ETQW will come back and try out the mod. Because we are getting closer and closer to ETQW as it should have been from a competitive perspective. And we have gone a long way in improving all sides of the gameplay. ETQWPro is a lot more about skill through precise aiming, more balance and less about spam / vehicle dominance. So if you ever tried ETQW and felt it was too spammy, aiming was off or that you felt the balance didn’t work in competition we recommend you try ETQWPro 0.4.
And as a teaser I can tell you that there are already some features ready to be implanted into ETQWPro as soon as they are balance tested properly. So you can look forward to more big ETQWPro updates this spring.
Download & Info:
--> Download ''ETQWpro v0.4''Major additions/changes in 0.4:
--> ETQWpro Website
- Fixed a big spread Issue when jumping and shooting, making the extra spread stay for a while
- Added a config, which should make it easier for you guys to create an own one!
- Weapon restrictions are added now
- Removed the scope effect from the strogg HUD
- If vehicles are forbidden on the last Objective stage, players will get ejected by the mod!
- Turret restrictions reworked and should work now
- Added clientside mapscripts!
- Implemented the vehicle rules! If the cvars are set, your team dont have to worry about using too many vehicles at the same time, the mod will either allow or not allow you to enter any vehicle.
- Added cvar for shooting in third person. (Switching positions is still allowed)
- Current ETQWPro version will also be available in the Server Info!
- Added an "announcement" whenever anyone connects on the server. (No sneaky specs anymore)
- g_noTVChat now also available to clients!
- Screenshots are now saved into the review folder
- Added a set timer command which can be your very own stopwatch.
- Made respawnTimer yellow
- Stopwatch is red
- Strogg/GDF spawntimes on salvage are now 15/30, from 15/35 in 0.03.
- Added g_fastVolcano 1 as an option due to volcano being a very slow map and not being played at all in 6on6 in its current state. Now the map should be doable in around 10 minutes. g_fastVolcano 1 ends the map after 2nd stage (when generator is blown)