
ET-Stuff: AdminScreenshot (.cfg)

21.06.2009 : 11:26
Pressing arrow keys puts you in spectator mode, opens your console and gives you options.


--> AdminScreenshot (.cfg)

Pressing arrow-up:

Will automatically take screenshots, and starts recording a demo, then it will open your console screen while showing you !listplayers, and make 2 more screenshots.
After a few seconds the console screen will close again, and it will generate a logfile in your etpub map called __log_file__admin-screen-shot.

To stop recording the demo type /stopdemo or press F12 two times.

Pressing arrow-down:

Will put you into spectator and opens your console and shows you !listplayers
Now the only thing you have to do is look for the slot number of the player you are looking for, and type /follow [player/slotnumber]
Use mouse button to scroll so your console screen stays still.

Pressing left-arrow:

Will put you into spectator and will follow the next player if you hit it multipule times.

Pressing right-arrow:

Will put you into spectator and will follow the previvous player if you hit it multipule times.
Wolfenstein Files