= Return to Castle Wolfenstein =
= RtCW Vendetta 1.3.2 =

Yo$hik has released an updated version of his classic Return to Castle Wolfenstein adventure, RtCW Vendetta.
The Allied Intelligence Agency has received reports that German scientists are developing a new air apparatus known as the Helicopter. These combat prototypes can destroy armored vehicles and infantry.
As an Allied agent, you must infiltrate the German facility and eliminate all high-ranking personnel associated with this project and obtain all relevant information and documentation of the project before these deadly prototypes are deployed in the battlefield.
What's new?:
- fully synchronised with latest RealRTCW 3.0 mod build with all features (recoil mechanic, new weapons and hand models, new difficulty level Realism mode, etc)
- new holdable items - Morphine
- fixed bugs reported via community
- bring back old render for low systems (but remember about visual difference about rend2 and old)
- now all cvars are unlocked, you can make setups the you want them.
- better work for AI dog
- new AI Nurse and Hospital porter
- minor changes in level design for better fps optimisation

Download the new version HERE
Source - ModDB - Yo$hik
