Kategorie: Allgemein Allgemein

Autor: StoerFaktoR Verfasst am 24. 12. 2011
RTCW 1.0 Movie by Bloxin

Bloxin presents his new RtCW 1.0 Fragmovie - This video is dedicated to the remaining clean 1.0 players and those who contributed to the community in a positive way over the years.
As 1.0 is now sadly over populated by noskill cheaters in servers which admins let them play openly, this drives the genuine clean players to quit.

Hopefully this video will show and be something to look back on and remember how much fun 1.0 was and a few of the great people who were involved.

Starring: ag3nt, bloxin, calibrin, diminish, frenzy, hitman, nosy, str8sick, carlton, sick, fresh, tragic, virkes, xill

Download from rtcw4ever

Source: rtcw4ever
