Kategorie: ET-News ET-News

Autor: StoerFaktoR Verfasst am 26. 11. 2011
Silent Mod 0.5.0

The Team from mygamingtalk.com released ET-Mod silEnT 0.5.0. - The amount of changes below might suggest that 0.5.0 is not a huge improvement, but believe us it is a huge step forward.

New features in silEnT 0.5.00

silEnT GUID, the new silEnT GUIDs replace the PB GUIDs in everywhere, but compatibility is provided for the old PB GUIDs also

Admin Level Protection (ALP), with this mechanism, the server can ensure that admins on protected levels are properly authenticated

g_cheatLog, server will log all non gaming related information into this log if enabled

g_XPSaveMinXP, when this value is set to above 0 or above, the XP save system will use different timestamp for the XP save then the rest of the database. This allows cvars like g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp to work correctly.

Referee hack attempts are logged

dboptimize server console command. Read the manual for more information. Do note that this command is server resource intensive and should not be used often.

Support for revive spree sounds. Admins can add custom sound files revive3.wav, revive5.wav and revive10.wav under the sound/announces if they like.

Debriefing, mouse wheel scrolling of the lists when the cursor is over the list, not only over the scroll bar

Omnibot support for tripmines (tripmines can be planted by bots)

Download here

Source: RTCW4EVER / gth-clan
