How to get it up and running.

28.04.2021 - 09:27:01

Hello all,

Pardons, I don't speak German, only English and I can't find a translate button.
I was an avid player in the day but now i cant seem to even connect to a server. I got the install, the 2.6 b patch and a guid generated and out in my etmain folder yet I can't seem to even connect to a single server. Have I missed a step? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Nice to meet you, I am Yaxchilan.


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30.04.2021 - 13:27:18

I don't know what may be causing your server connection problem, Yaxchilan, however, many players use 'ET:Legacy' now. It's the most modern version of 'Wolf:ET'.

You can download it here:

Also, make sure you have your own 'etkey', you can get one here: ETKey

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