nq 129 and xpsave

01.08.2012 - 09:33:36

we will like to have or
1/ XP will save forever
2/ XP will save forever, as long as you visit at least 1 time every 30 days.

our xp settings atm

set g_XPSave "15"
set g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp "999999"
set g_XPSaveMaxAge "999999"
set g_maxXP "100000"

can you help me please
thanks you

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01.08.2012 - 10:37:09

Xpsave forever is "set g_XPSave "15" "

set g_XPSaveMaxAge 86400

// 86400 = 1day
// 864000 = 10 days
// 8640000 = 100 days


i have entered "86400000" on

or you try -1

but i don´t know if this work

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