Allied: "Infiltrate the Axis Radar installation and Sabotage the two main Radars"
Axis: "Protect your Radar installation at all costs."
Neutral: "The Axis have been ocupying souther Italy for to long now. The allied forces have located a dual radar installation that is key in taking back Italy."
Allied objectives
1 "Secondary Objective: Dynomite the Service Door to gain access."
2 "Primary Objective: Destroy Radar 2."
3 "Primary Objective: Destroy Radar 1"
4 "Secondary Objective: Capture the Forward bunker."
5 "Secondary Objective: Establish a Command Post in the Forward Bunker"
6 "Secondary Objective: Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post in the Forward Bunker."
7 "Secondary Objective: Prevent the Axis from caturing the Forward Bunker."
| Axis objectives
1 "Secondary Objective: Prevent the Allies from gaining access through the Service Door."
2 "Primary Objective: Prevent the Allies from destroying Radar 2."
3 "PrimaryObjective: Prevent the Allies from destroying Radar 1."
4 "Secondary Objective: Prevent the Allies from capturing the Forward bunker."
5 "Secondary Objective: Prevent the Allies from building a Command Post in the Forward Bunker."
6 "Secondary Objective: Set up a Command Post in the Forward bunker."
7 "Secondary Objective: Capture the Forward bunker."