
ET-Map: Supplydepot 4 (Final)

23.06.2005 : 10:59
Update: Da für die Map ein Scriptfix erschienen ist, wurde der Download aktualisiert.

Nachdem Supplydepot 3 (Winter) anscheinend nicht auf großen Anklang gestoßen ist, hat EB die Map nochmals überarbeitet.

Changed crane controls and moved them so they are no longer able to be satcheled through the wall, scripting fixes added, Back window by crane is larger to see through but plated with glass, Truck must go slightly further into the garage that has been added, The newer blended

terrain is Sock's alpha fade. Added: Axis second spawn rear exit building for aesthetics, spotlights, a garage - winning allied truck exit, allied first spawn now contains an mg nest, one new sound file for the radio at flagged checkpoint.

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