tuesday 05. 05. 2020 - 20:47 Uhr - Dark Alchemy Community

= Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory =

= Dark Alchemy Community =

Dark Alchemy Community is glad to announce its return to the 'Wolf:ET' scene, with new forums and a NoQuarter server for 42 players. The Community was born in 2005 with players that wanted to play only for fun and ran until the year 2017.

Due to many requests from all 'DA' members and regulars, the 'Dark Alchemy' staff decided to restore the community for the pleasure of all those who fondly remember it .

On behalf of Wolffiles and Splatterladder, welcome back to the community, 'Dark Alchemy'!

Dark Alchemy official website HERE

The Dark Alchemy server:

Newsposter: Motorhead
zuletzt geändert am 05.05.2020 - 20:49 Uhr
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Monday 04. 05. 2020 - 14:25 Uhr - RtCW Clonewar Village

= Return to Castle Wolfenstein =

= RtCW Clonewar Village - version 1.1 =

'RtCW Clonewar Village', created by Flipmode and Vicpas, is the prequel to 'Clonewar 2044'. It tells the story of a village occupied by Germans forces, close to the Russian border. Axis scientists have managed to build a timeportal there and they plan to travel into the future in order to utilise advanced technology, know as 'cloning'.

If these scientists are successful, their main objective in reproducing a huge number of cloned combat troops will become a reality and as a result of this, all Allied forces will be annihilated.






1 - The level Clonewar_Village was optimized with textures/common/areaportal.
2 - Added more effects on explosions (Cannons and lanterns)
3 - Added a final cutscene .
4 - Added a "notebook" with mission instructions.
5 - Added new sounds for weapons (MG42, MP40, Mauser_Rifle and Dynamite)

Download the new version HERE

Source - ModDB - Vicpas

Newsposter: Motorhead
zuletzt geändert am 04.05.2020 - 15:22 Uhr
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Thursday 30. 04. 2020 - 16:08 Uhr - RealRtCW Complete Edition

= Return to Castle Wolfenstein =

= RealRtCW 3.0 - Complete Edition =

Wolfetplayer has released the latest version of his 'RealRtCW' modification for 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein'. This new release is entitled, 'RealRtCW 3.0 - Complete Edition' and to refer to this as being 'just' a mod is most definitely not doing it justice.

This is the equivalent of a complete rebuild of this classic game, including a new game engine, new weapons, new high polly models, atmospheric effects, HD textures, a new 'HUD' and 'UI', a new recoil system and as if all that wasn't enough, we now have support for 35 of the very best custom singleplayer add-ons.

What if you want to try the 'vanilla' release of 'RtCW' on its own, without all of the custom add-ons? That's no problem either, because Wolfetplayer has created a 'lite' version of 'RealRtCW' for this very purpose.

This new release is a masterpiece and a definite 'must have' for all fans of 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein'.


Download RealRtCW 3.0 - Complete Edition HERE

Download RealRtCW 3.0 - Lite HERE

Source - ModDB - Wolfetplayer

Newsposter: Motorhead
zuletzt geändert am 30.04.2020 - 16:11 Uhr
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