tuesday 26. 05. 2020 - 20:19 Uhr - RtCW Venom Mod Updated

= Return to Castle Wolfenstein =

= RtCW Venom Mod Updated =

Hellbaron has released an updated version of his 'RtCW Venom Mod'. This modification for 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein' incorporates both singleplayer and multiplayer game modes and is a definite 'must have' for all fans of this classic World War II shooter.


Download the new version HERE

Source - ModDB - Hellbaron

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Friday 22. 05. 2020 - 20:33 Uhr - RtCW Cut Content

= Return to Castle Wolfenstein =

= RtCW Cut Content =

Wolfetplayer, the creator of 'RealRtCW', has released a 'Cut Content' pack, which contains screenshots, videos, demos and early concepts of 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein'.

All 'RtCW' fans will definitely enjoy taking this trip back in time to the very beginning of this classic game.



Download the pack HERE

Source - ModDB - Wolfetplayer

Newsposter: Motorhead
zuletzt geändert am 22.05.2020 - 20:41 Uhr
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Monday 11. 05. 2020 - 14:05 Uhr - 85 Productions

= Wolfenstein Community =

= 85 Productions - Renamed =

William Faure from '85 Productions' has announced the renaming of his Wolfenstein-focused company and provided us with an update on his projects in development. Here's what he had to say:

You may ask yourself the reason for the name change. Well, this is a tribute to 'Gray Matter Interactive', the defunct company behind the development of Return to Castle Wolfenstein, which was founded on March 25, 1993, by Drew Markham and Barry Dempsey. In 2018, founder Drew Markham passed away at the age of 59. Without him, Return to Castle Wolfenstein wouldn't have seen the light of day and I have decided to pay him tribute in many ways ever since.

As you previously read, instead of the anatomic title, 'Gray matter', I've chosen to go with the physical cosmology-styled title of, "Dark matter". Let me explain. Gray Matter Interactive may have opted to use 'Gray matter', a major component of the central nervous system, due to the fact that playing video games leads to brain stimulation. I've chosen 'Dark matter' for 'Dark Matter Productions' as a way to refer to what started, nearly a decade ago for the company, its very own 'big bang', 'The Dark Army'.

Thus, I can only hope that all of you will like this new 'signature' and the reasoning behind it.  Also, expect a huge status update regarding our mods on May 28th, the day of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory's 17th anniversary:

The Dark Army: Uprising - Remastered

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Single-Player & Cooperative

The Dark Army 2: Downfall

More details will be shared in the coming weeks so, in the meantime, please make sure to stay tuned. It's gonna be well worth the wait! - William Faure

The official Dark Matter Productions website HERE

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zuletzt geändert am 11.05.2020 - 14:47 Uhr
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