Monday 08. 06. 2020 - 15:06 Uhr - Return To Castle Byblos

= Return to Castle Wolfenstein =

= Return To Castle Byblos =

This is an excellent 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein' singleplayer adventure, created by sd2009, which features a completely new environment and atmosphere. The mission contains four maps, where you must hunt down Feldmarschall Erwin Rommel and his French Vichy generals. You then head to Munich to assassinate General Heinz Guderian.


Download the new mission HERE

Source - ModDB - Vicpas

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Friday 05. 06. 2020 - 19:40 Uhr - Wolf:ET - 17 years old!

= Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory =

= Wolf:ET - 17 years old! =

It was 17 years ago that 'Splash Damage' released their first ever game, 'Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory'. This classic World War II 'FPS' shooter went on to become a huge success and has continued to be played right up to this very day.

Happy birthday, 'Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory', may you run for many more years to come!

Splash Damage official website HERE

Source - Wolfenstein4ever - Dexter

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Monday 01. 06. 2020 - 13:38 Uhr - Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Singleplayer

= Wolfenstein News =

= Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - Singleplayer =

William Faure has released a video update for his 'Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - Singleplayer' project. Here's what William had to say:

"Work is still ongoing, and the project is progressing as expected - so, don't you worry, keeping you in the dark really was intended, especially since I don't want to show too much before you get your hands on the full thing. Please note that this video showcases footage of the current development stage (Pre-Alpha). It's still a work-in-progress, as stated in the beginning.

I'd also like to highlight the fact that the level featured here, Gold Rush, is what I call a "hybrid" mission, since the first half is total-stealth, and the other half is total-action. This gameplay premiere shows glimpses of the first half, the stealth part. The other half, the action part, features elements such as a tank and a few allied characters, which do not appear in the first part showcased here.

Anyways, enough chit-chat. Enjoy the video!"


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zuletzt geändert am 01.06.2020 - 21:09 Uhr
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