tuesday 21. 07. 2020 - 13:52 Uhr - Fearless Assassins - Throwback Gameday

= Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory =

= Fearless Assassins - Throwback Sunday Gameday =

For a much needed throwback to where it all began

On behalf of all the Fearless Assassins we invite you to join us for a "Throwback Sunday Gameday", featuring Fearless-Assassins' original maps server! Lets take a break from our comfort zones and come together to kick it Old School on our 'Classic Map' server!

  • Gameday Date: August 30th
  • Start time 16:00 GMT+0

Fearless Assassins official website HERE


Newsposter: Motorhead
zuletzt geändert am 21.07.2020 - 13:55 Uhr
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Friday 17. 07. 2020 - 20:20 Uhr - Return to Castle Wolfenstein VR for Quest

= Return to Castle Wolfenstein =

= VR Port for Oculus Quest =

This is alpha build footage of Dr beef's port of RtCW for the Oculus Quest. RtCWquest is a work in progress, but it already looks very good.

Follow the RtCWquest project:

On Reddit HERE

On Discord HERE


Newsposter: Motorhead Userinfo: Motorhead Comments (0)(0) Send to a friend Print optimized version 11845 mal gelesen

Friday 19. 06. 2020 - 20:46 Uhr - The Dark Army: Uprising Remastered

= Return to Castle Wolfenstein =

= The Dark Army: Uprising Remastered =

William Faure has released the official trailer for his soon-to-be-released 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein' singleplayer adventure, 'The Dark Army: Uprising - Remastered'.

From what we see highlighted in the video, this will be truly epic!

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