Wednesday 07. 10. 2020 - 21:42 Uhr - The Dark Army Uprising Cooperative

= Return to Castle Wolfenstein =

= The Dark Army Uprising Cooperative =

Starting today, all 3 campaigns of The Dark Army: Uprising Remastered, (Day, Night and Dark campaigns; 21 missions total), are playable cooperatively, from 1 to 8 players, in The Dark Army: Uprising Cooperative, for RTCWCOOP.


Download the new release HERE

Source - ModDB - William Faure

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tuesday 29. 09. 2020 - 21:13 Uhr - RtCW Horror Pack

= Return to Castle Wolfenstein =

= RtCW Horror Pack =

Dialog has released a video update of his RtCW Horror Pack, which will be available to the community very soon.

Four maps will be included in this pack:

  1. Asylum
  2. Catacombs 1 and 2
  3. Church

Here's the video promo:

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Wednesday 16. 09. 2020 - 16:51 Uhr - Real Fortress 2

= Return to Castle Wolfenstein =

= Real Fortress 2 =

This is the new release of the singleplayer addon, The Fortress 2, created by Vicpas, for Return to Castle Wolfenstein, which has now been made compatible for RealRTCW Mod.

What's new?:

- New weapons
- Rebalanced AI
- More new secret areas
- More new areas in the last level
- More enemies and action
- New features from RealRTCW Mod


Download the new release HERE

Source - ModDB -Vicpas

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